Saturday Morning Leftie Linkage!

Well guess what folks, the Tavis and Cornel sideshow is taking a cue from Sarah Palin and going on a bus tour. The Raw Story has the clip where Cornel West doubles down on his stupidity. And I’m sorry, but these two jokers are stupid.

For all those people saying the President should have just asked for a clean raising of the debt ceiling….uh, he did many times — kindly STFU, will you?

President Obama put the final nail in the coffin of DADT, fulfilling one more promise in an environment in Washington where ANYTHING that actually gets done is a fucking miracle. Bravo Mr. President, Bravo. Oliver Willis has the President’s statement.

If you want to read a nice piece that shows how monumentally stupid and dangerous the Republican’s game playing with the debt ceiling is, go over to Stonekettle Station and check this out. It’s long, but Jim Wright is always good, IMO.

The title of Milt Shook’s latest piece should tell you exactly what it’s about. “Jane Hamsher — Are you nuts?

The one and only Joy Reid at The Reid Report has the story on Grover Norquist’s flip-flop this week. Grover, of course, is the real leader of the Republican Party and strikes fear into the hearts of any Republican who doesn’t do his bidding. And a huge congratulations to Joy on her new job(s) at The Grio and MSNBC.

The Republican Party is a fucking joke. These children need to be put in time-out or sent to there rooms for the rest of there terms.

President Obama did a townhall this week and The Obama Diary has the video and photos. Ignore all the bullshit coming from the Professional Left and watch our excellent President get real with real people.