Tucker Carlson Is A White Supremacist Propagandist!

If Tucker is so “supreme”, why does he have to cultivate the most ignorant, compliant group of people in our country with hate filled lies, while telling them they are victims. Shouldn’t a “supreme” person have all the facts on their side and all the top minds in the country behind them. Why you gotta lie, bro?

Hitler would be jealous of Tucker’s techniques.

Tucker Carlson Is Responsible For The Buffalo Massacre!

I’m not afraid to say that Tucker Carlson is directly responsible for the shooting in Buffalo that took the lives of 10 beautiful people. From the New York Times:

But this was hardly something new for Mr. Carlson. In more than 400 episodes, the Times analysis found, he has amplified the idea that a cabal of elites want to force demographic change through immigration.

The New York Times

Talking Voter Suppression, Racism And Lies on The Extremely Liberal Podcast

Another great discussion with one of my smart and liberal friends.

Running Time: 1:04:00

To download the mp3, right click and “Save As” (46 mb).

(Apologies for the sound quality, I pulled a rookie mistake. I’ve heard worse though.  :)