The Huffington Post Leaves Readers Unsatisfied!

I stopped reading The Huffington Post over a year and a half ago. One of the reasons was the misleading headlines that lured me into clicking on a piece and then when I read it, it wasn’t anything like the screaming headline that sucked me in. I was also sick of the tabloid style gossip and “celebritainment” that polluted the site. If I wanted that crap, I would go to TMZ.

But the main reason I quit reading is because this once touted “liberal” website began a turn to the right, where Arianna started of course — working for Newt Gingrich. After the merger with AOL, my thoughts were confirmed as Arianna took to the airwaves and proclaimed that “Huffpoo” isn’t liberal or conservative and how she and Tim Armstrong, the CEO of AOL, shared a vision. Tim Armstrong calls himself a libertarian but has given a lot of money to conservatives over the years. I’m sure they shared a vision.

So you can imagine my satisfaction when I read that The Huffington Post ranks last in the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). I’m not the only one who thinks that website sucks, apparently. When you build a website on the backs of liberals, trading on anger and outrage towards President George W. Bush and then turn your sights towards liberals and our Democratic president, what do you expect?. The word on the street these days is that the merger isn’t going so well and the entire deal is at risk of falling apart. I wonder what Arianna’s next scam will be?

A History Of Newtisms – The Crazy Continues On!

I thought I would give some highlights of some of the stupid, dangerous and radical ideas that Newt Gingrich has spewed over the years. This quasi-intellectual blowhard seems to be able to con some of the even more stupid media, but those of us with critical thinking ability see through his stupidity. He clearly has an obsession with WWII and Nazi Germany. Some highlights of Newt’s babbling, courtesy of Mother Jones…(emphasis mine)

1978 In an address to College Republicans before he was elected to the House, Gingrich says: “I think one of the great problems we have in the Republican party is that we don’t encourage you to be nasty.

1984 Gingrich takes advantage of the arrival of C-Span to deliver scathing condemnations of his colleagues. He accuses Democrats of appeasement and distributing “communist propaganda,” and threatens to press charges against them for writing a letter to Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega. House Speaker Tip O’Neill calls it “the lowest thing that I’ve ever seen in my 32 years in Congress.”

1985 Gingrich calls Reagan’s upcoming meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev ”the most dangerous summit for the West since Adolf Hitler met with Chamberlain in 1938 at Munich.”

1985Gingrich compares a disputed House election in Indiana to the Holocaust. “We have talked a lot in recent weeks about the Holocaust, about the incredible period in which Nazi Germany killed millions of people and, in particular, came close to wiping out European Jewry.

1989 He explains to the Washington Post why he fights with his second wife, Marianne: “It’s not even that it matters to me. It’s just the habit of dominance, the habit of being the center of my staff and the center of the news media.” Newt gives the marriage a “53–47” shot of surviving.

1989 Gingrich lays out his electoral roadmap: “The left-wing Democrats will represent the party of total hedonism, total exhibitionism, total bizarreness, total weirdness, and the total right to cripple innocent people in the name of letting hooligans loose.”

1994 A South Carolina woman, Susan Smith, murders her two sons. Gingrich draws the only logical conclusion: “I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things. The only way you get change is to vote Republican.”

1994 He sums up his political philosophy: “People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz. I see evil all around me every day.”

1998 Gingrich steps down as Speaker, amid ethics complaints and rumors of an extramarital affair. He frames his decision in pragmatic terms: “I’m willing to lead, but I’m not willing to preside over people who are cannibals.”

2006 Asked whether he agrees with then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s comments that opposition to the Bush administration’s Iraq policy is tantamount to appeasing Hitler, Gingrich responds, “Yes.”

2007 “We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto.” Two years later, Gingrich unveils a new Spanish-language website, The Americano.

2008 Gingrich tells Bill O’Reilly that “there is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us.” The gay and secular fascist movement, Gingrich charges, is “prepared to use violence, to use harassment. I think it is prepared to use the government if it can get control of it.”

2010 Gingrich warns that Obama’s agenda “would mean the end of America as it has been for the last 400 years.”

2010 Sign of the times: Gingrich swaps gay secular fascism for “secular-socialist machine“—which he says “represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did.”

2010 A year after writing a book about noted anti-colonialist George Washington, Gingrich suggests that the current president holds a radical, anti-British worldview of his own. “What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?”Gingrich asks. “That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior.”

2011Gingrich tells the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody that he was driven to his cheat on his previous two wives because of his one true love: America. “There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate.”

2011 Secular-socialists give way to atheist-Islamists: “I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time [his grandchildren are] my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American.” His spokesman later clarified that Gingrich meant either Islamists or atheists would take over America, not both.

I have a feeling there will be more crap flowing from Newt Gingrich’s mouth in the very near future. He loves getting attention in any way he can. I’ve been wondering since it looked like he was getting in the race, whether Arianna Huffington will make her full pendulum swing back to the party that seems to be in her blood, the Republican Party. I fully expect Arianna to endorse her old buddy Newt and start working for him again. She wrote a piece about what a great president ole’ Newt would be. Ah, gotta love the internets.

Arianna Huffington Conned The Left And Cashed In – Now Her True Colors Come Out!

I told you so, didn’t I? Nicole at Political Ruminations has the story…

Well, now she’s done it.

As if many of us haven’t been saying for years that Huffington is a fake Progressive, an opportunist in it for the money and fame, she had to go and prove us right, or at least make us feel like we were dead on right.

Arianna Huffington, formerly the Queen of the Liberal Political Kingdom online, has hired Conservative ideologue Andrew Breitbart, the same guy who spends so much of his time colluding with known con artist James O’Keefe, worked as an editor for the notorious Matt Drudge, worked for Ms. Huffington previously as a researcher, and helped her to launch The Huffington Post.

Go read the whole story at Political Ruminations.

A Smorgasbord Of Issues On A Monday!

I absolutely loved this post by Matt Osborne at Osborne Ink about Bradley Manning’s detention for his admitted leaking of military documents. My favorite parts of Matt’s post follow…

Manning has not been convicted — yet — but there is nothing especially harsh or unusual about his conditions. The Rosenbergs were isolated. Aldrich Ames was isolated. There is no “plan” to drive Bradley Manning insane. He’s a prisoner accused of giving away his country’s secrets. Such prisoners are held in solitary confinement as standard counterintelligence protocol. Who wants a caught spy to tell the other side what you have sweated out of him in the interrogation room? Who wants him to be free to do more damage?


Giving away American secrets is against the law; the penalties are stiff. Manning knew that, but chose to give secrets away — and then got caught by bragging about it to strangers on the internet.  That there are no other prisoners in Quantico accused of espionage is a happy accident: most American service members take their oaths as seriously as I did, and do. Manning didn’t. A justice system will adjudicate what that means, not Glenn Greenwald.

I’ve also been reading a lot about the backlash against Arianna Huffington and The Huffington Post since she sold out to the right wing CEO of AOL, they share visions, you know. I’m just going to throw out all the links I’ve collected about this deal and Huffpost in general, feel free to read at your leisure…and discuss in the comments if you feel so inclined. Here they are. Internships for rich people, AOL is a mess, The AOL Way, it’s all about the money, citizen journalism (Mayhill Fowler), tainted AOL money, science schmience, stealing content, Arianna’s flip-flop-flip, her wageless employees, Hamsher likes this corporatist (why is that?) and last but certainly not least, we have Al Giordano at The Field telling us why he scrubbed The Huffington Post of all the posts he ever did there.

And finally, if you haven’t read Lawrence Wright’s piece in the New Yorker about Scientology (The Apostate), I highly recommend it. It is a long piece, so set aside some time or plan to read it in multiple sessions. I’ve personally been fascinated by the cult of scientology and in particular, it’s appeal to celebrities. This piece sheds a lot of light on the situation. I’ve thought for years about doing a documentary on the Church of Scientology and may still do it, but I have reservations because of their ways. Read the piece and you will know what I mean.

The Backlash Begins For The Huffington Post!

It is going to be really fun for me to watch as the Huffington Post suffers the backlash from Arianna’s opportunistic ways. I don’t really hate the woman or anything, but several months ago I did a little research on her and found out a lot of very interesting things. I have to give thanks to Grant in Texas for the awesome links to some stories I hadn’t seen. I’ve been sitting on most of the information I found about her, it’s not like anyone couldn’t find it themselves if they know how to use Google. I may write more in the days to come, but it looks like her house of cards is starting to topple on it’s own. From a story at The Raw Story…

Adbusters magazine set out to unite those disaffected former supporters of Arianna Huffington’s flagship site by suggesting they use social media to promote alternatives.

“Socialite Arianna Huffington built a blog-empire on the backs of thousands of citizen journalists,” a post at Adbusters begins. “She exploited our idealism and let us labor under the illusion that the Huffington Post was different, independent and leftist. Now she’s cashed in and three thousand indie bloggers find themselves working for a megacorp.”

But the Huffington Post is not Arianna’s to sell. It is ours: the lefty writers and readers, environmentalism activists and anti-corporate organizers who flooded the site with 25 million visits a month. So we’re going to take it back.

We’ll stop going to her site. And we’ll stop blogging for her too. Then we’ll give birth to an alternative to AOL’s HuffPo by using the #huffpuff hash tag to tell the world about our favorite counter-culture websites and indie blogs.

“We are the ones who built the Huffington Post. And now we will be the ones who will huff & puff it down,” Adbusters concluded.

If I were a liberal blogger who was used by her, I’d be just a little bit pissed at this new deal. I hope that this backlash builds momentum and the real story of Arianna Huffington will finally be told. MSNBC deserves a lot of blame in my opinion, they helped to build her up as a “liberal” and constantly refer to the Huffington Post as a liberal or progressive website. She could always count on MSNBC to help promote her brand, I wonder if they are getting a cut from the deal just like all those liberal bloggers who provided content to her for free. I have a feeling that comments like the one below are only going to piss off those used and abused bloggers even more. She is unbelievable. Just a little bit of schadenfreude going on in this bloggers brain…

Arianna Huffington, The Huffington Post’s co-founder and editor-in-chief, had been trying to downplay the importance of partisan politics after the announcement.

“We don’t see ourselves as left,” Huffington told Politico. “And I think it’s one area where news consumers are ahead of the media, because they know that continuing to see everything that’s happening as a right-left issue is missing what’s happening, and is also making it much harder for us to be properly informed.”

She’s done with us liberals now, she cashed in. On to the next group of rubes, she’s already been trying to attract the Tea Party folks with her recent book that is nothing but platitudes and populist opportunism. What was it that P.T. Barnum said?

Arianna Huffington Pulls Off An Ingenious Scam!

This is a post I put up a while back that I decided to dust off and share with you all again in light of the completion of Arianna’s Scam, AOL paying her $315 Million dollars for her Huffington Post website (don’t go there). The original headline read “The Huffington Post, A Stolen Idea!.” I’ve also put links to other posts I’ve done about her below.

Arianna with her buddy Newt Gingrich

Politico has a long piece up about a lawsuit brought by two Democratic consultants, Peter Daou and James Boyce which claims that the idea for The Huffington Post was stolen from them. A while back, I did some research into Arianna Huffington and came across some rather revealing things about Arianna and her MO. The most glaring of these was her teaming up with Newt Gingrich in the early 90’s to help bring about Gingrich’s Republican Revolution, oh and apparently she’s still hanging with him. I’m old enough to remember that bullshit and have always been skeptical of Huffington and see her as an opportunist. Her new book, no plug here, attempts to play on people’s fears about the economic crisis. I hope to find time to write about that soon, she’s been not so subtly appealing to the angry people in the country….there’s money to be made on that anger, you know? From the Politico piece…

The complaint is a direct challenge to the left’s most important media property from two stalwarts of the progressive movement. And it challenges Huffington’s own oft-told story of coming up with the idea in conversation with Lerer and other friends.

“Huffington has styled herself as a ‘new media’ maven and an expert on the effective deployment of news and celebrity on the Internet in the service of political ends,” says the complaint. “As will be shown at trial, Huffington’s and Lerer’s image with respect to the Huffington Post is founded on false impressions and inaccuracies: They presented the ‘new media’ ideas and plans of Peter Daou and James Boyce as their own in order to raise money for the website and enhance their image, and breached their promises to work with Peter and James to develop the site together.”

It certainly doesn’t surprise me to read this, that’s what Republicans are all about, making money on the backs of other people. It completely fits with her opportunistic MO. She is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Every time I hear her introduced as a liberal, I do a spit take with my coffee or Lipton Diet Green Tea…and we all know how painful that can be. She is no liberal, she just shifted her “mark” to liberals. She saw the pendulum swinging away from conservatism with the election of George W. Bush and saw a great opportunity to capitalize on it. Recently, it seems she is jealous of all the money Glenn Beck and his sorts are making off the anger on the right. I see her book as a blatant appeal to those people, she want’s some of that money too. More from Politico…

Lerer, a former AOL executive who once worked as a spokesman for junk bond king Michael Milken, later involved other Internet gurus – the marketing expert Jonah Perretti, and Drudge collaborator Andrew Breitbart – in their launch, and Daou and Boyce aren’t the first to contest the Huffington Post’s lineage.

“I created the Huffington Post,” Breitbart told Wired in March, prompting Huffington to reply that he “wasn’t present” for the initial 2004 meeting.

Can you even fucking believe it, Breitbart was there at the start of The Huffington Post. Now that speaks volumes in my mind. Andrew Fucking Breitbart working with Arianna, and of course this is after she supposedly saw the light and became more progressive….cough, spit. I remember seeing her talk on C-SPAN in the early 2000’s and thinking, wow, a conservative who’s seen the light and grown. As I continued to watch her speak, I had a sense about her that she was slippery. She talked around a lot of issues, was very slick in her appeal to liberals, playing on their dislike for George W. Bush, using clever put downs of him to gain acceptance. I have to admit, I was digging what she was saying, I disliked ole’ W. about as much as anyone. But even then, I was cautious because of her slickness. It was only after I started getting pissed off at the misleading headlines on her site that I started doing some digging and discovered the above links.

Booman, who was the source of the Politico link above, wonders why The Huffington Post is considered left…

Is the Huffington Post the “left’s most important media property”? Really? Because I have never opened the Huffington Post unless directed there by someone else. I have almost never linked to them (probably less than a dozen times in six years). I don’t think I’ve ever been to their home-page. I think if they were really so important, I’d find I couldn’t blog effectively without knowing what was going on there. But, for the most part, the Huffington Post doesn’t even exist for me. It’s like the Drudge Report. I know it exists, and occasionally someone points out to me that they have some interesting material, but that’s it. And why is the Huffington Post considered a left-leaning site? I don’t consider Arianna Huffington to be left-leaning. She’s a critic of President Bush and the current brand of know-nothing politics of the right. But she’s certainly no liberal. Above all, she’s a business woman and a celebrity. She’s not a part of any movement I am aware of. I’m not knocking her, but I just don’t get why her site is supposed to be important to the left. For what?

I used to frequent her website until I noticed a change in course and their turning on the President. I was often sucked into the misleading headlines which many times didn’t reflect was in the actual article, a blatant bait and switch of sorts. She is very good at making money off people’s emotions, I suspect she will continue to do well in that regard. I just won’t be a part of it.

Here are some links to other posts I’ve done about The Huffington Post, Arianna inspired me. There is something about a conservative trying to act like a liberal that pisses me off, for some reason.

Ouch, Mark Halperin Shuts Sam (Huffpo) Stein Up!

More Misleading Headlines That Trash Our President!

Boycott The Huffington Post Now!

Arianna Huffington Is A Republican, Folks!

Arianna Huffington Returns To Her Republican Roots!

Arianna Huffington Is A Corporatist Now, Right?

So the Huffington Post was bought out by AOL and Arianna has finally cashed in on her scam. She saw an opportunity to make money off liberals, and she took it. $300,000,000 will make you forget your new found liberal ideas in a heartbeat. You have to give her credit for making money off and feeding the discontent on the left, she’s done it masterfully. I’m listening for Jane Hamsher, Cenk Uygur, Glenn Greenwald and the rest of the gang to put her in the “corporatist” wing of the political world. I am not holding my breath, however.

Patience Is A Virtue – Public Option?

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person left on the planet who is patient. I certainly have moments when I am not, but I’ve had a lot of opportunity to practice it over the years. Ugh! As the health care debate has gone on over the last year, I’ve been holding my fire, watching to see what would come to be.

When the Obama Administration signaled, a while ago, that it might be flexible on the public option – oh my god, the outcry was deafening, the freakin sky was falling in on some of these folks. I always like to name them….the Arianna Huffington-Jane Hamsher syndicate, Cenk Uygur, who is also aligned with the syndicate…Howard Dean (who I still love though), he’s the most reasonable one in the “sky is falling crowd.” , I’m not sure about Aravosis because he is dead to me. :) I won’t grace his piece of shit blog ever again, unless it is to attack his traitorous, bitchy ass. Oh, sorry….I lost it for a second, I was treated by him and a few of his whiners like scum. Onward!

So I saw a few stories about an effort by a group of Senators to bring back the public option through reconciliation and the number was growing throughout the day. It looks like they all want us to shut up about it….shhhhh, don’t tell the Republicans and Joe Lieberman. The White House isn’t commenting. So maybe I’ve jumped the gun and I should be more patient. Shit. Too late.

My previous post about LGBT getting some change and now a possibility of the return of the public option, I think some folks need to apologize and get back on-board this movement to repair the damages of the “Idiot Years” as I hope the history books will call them, you know from the day George W. Bush was inaugurated to the time we all waived goodbye to them.

The Constitution, What A Concept!

If you haven’t seen this clip with Chris Hayes from the Nation making an appearance on Morning Joke by Corporate Coffee, check it out. I don’t think Chris will be asked back anytime soon, he didn’t fit with their narrative. He was awesome. And to get my Arianna Huffington stab in, Mort Zuckerman is also on the panel who was dating Arianna recently. He’s one of the Obama haters who Joe loves to have on to help him bash the president. He’s a supposed liberal, yeah right. Watch how he sides with the right wing on the rule of law, he seems to bend his ideology when it means he can bash Obama.