President Obama Keeps Rockin’ The Free World!

My apologies, but I’m on a deadline for a project and have a lot of other stuff going on in my personal and professional life so this is basically a “link dump post”. The following is some good stuff I’ve come across in the last couple of days. I have lots of things going through my head that I want to write about and will, but for this morning, enjoy the following great reads.

I’ve been thinking for quite a while that there are things that the President can do to overcome the Republicans obstructing all his appointees for cabinet and government positions as well as judicial. Turns out, he can overcome their game playing of not going into recess, preventing him from making recess appointments.  Now if he will just do it.

And this is a great post about Van Jones speech at Netroots Nation 2011, which only a portion seems to be getting attention, the Glenn Beck challenge. But the rest of the speech was very powerful.

With all the whining and crying about President Obama’s actions to help save people from imminent slaughter in Libya, this lawyer presents a very thorough analysis of why the President was actually following the law.

In reading Twitter and the blogs, there is so much craziness coming from the Hamsher/Choi/Greenwald gang about a primary to President Obama and other complete horseshit. I decided I needed to read Tien’s piece from The People’s View…one more time, to remind me what we are dealing with.

In case you forgot what type of people we Democrats are dealing with on the right, Allan at Angry Black Lady Chronicles reminds us.

Last, but not least, for some reason this post I did about Joe Scarborough’s dead intern mystery has been getting a bunch of hits, in case you missed it, here it is again.