I’m Serious, The Cutest Pictures Of A One Year Old Ever!

This is my goofy, smart, fun, talented one year old granddaughter. She reeealllly likes her grandpa, me. We took a nap together this afternoon, she likes to hug me tight. Calls me “bumpa” sometimes, grandpa other times. She knows sign language really well and says many words, she’s very bright. And she loves to play, laugh, dance and entertain.

Photos by Extreme Liberal

A Collection Of Scarborough Smack Downs, F-bombs and Rudeness!

This post was inspired by a link from the very cool @cindyloveseric on Twitter, if you are on Twitter and not following her, you are nuts. This first clip is probably my favorite Scarborough smackdown of all time. Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, father of sidekick Mika, just nails him at :25 seconds, but start from the beginning.

This next one is classic Keith Olbermann, sometimes ally and sometimes hater of Democrats and POTUS. Keith’s awesome line starts around :55 seconds. Interesting also that Joe cites Bush’s 82% wrong track poll number, when you look at Obama’s number (64%), it seems pretty good compared to ole W’s. But I’ve never ascribed that “Is the country on the wrong track” solely to whatever president is in office, the Congress is a large part of that IMO.

This next one is short, but good. Rachel Maddow lands a punch on Joe at :27 in the clip.

This is one of the many F-bombs that Scarborough has accidentally dropped on TV, it happens at :24 in the clip. Barnicle’s reaction is priceless.

This is a classic too, Paul Krugman tells Joe like it is at about 2:49 after Scarborough goes on a very idiotic rant.

Now this one completely offends me and it is Mika being very rude to Joan Walsh, another sometimes ally, sometimes enemy of Democrats. Watch the whole thing.

In this clip, Chris Matthews takes on Joe Scarborough’s hypocrisy, which Joe just loves. He is the most thin-skinned political shill I’ve ever seen. The good part starts about 2:16. Love it!

A Perfect Rainbow Panoramic with Power Lines!

This was taken with my iPhone 4. I stitched it together with Photoshop’s Photomerge tool. You can see the power lines are out of wack because of the angle that I was facing with the 3 different photos that make up this panoramic, but Photoshop made the rainbow absolutely perfect. There is no way in hell that I’m removing all those power lines. It would be a great touchup exercise for someone who is OCD. Of course all photos taken by me are free for the taking, enjoy!

Photo by Extreme Liberal – Click on the image for a much larger version of it.