Jane Hamsher Continues To Lie About Health Reform – A Pattern!

I really try to avoid anything Jane Hamsher writes, says or does. She has become a sad person who has let her hatred overwhelm what common sense and intelligence she had, which upon looking back at her really wasn’t much to begin with. She is very much like Arianna Huffington in that they both have made careers out of playing on people’s populist outrage, whether it is at George W. Bush…they both launched careers out of attacking the guy with the biggest target on his back or now with the economy in the dumps, inherited by the Obama administration, they are both playing into that anger. It isn’t much different than how so many made money off the 9/11 tragedy. So I click on a link at Booman’s Tribune and end up at a Jane Hamsher post. I start reading her snarky post titled “Axelrod Stabs Rahm, Runs From Wreckage of Health Care Bill” and of course, didn’t get very far before coming across a blatant lie. Here is what I came on…

But it’s also clear that the race is on to unload responsibility for the extremely unpopular health care bill.  And Axelrod wants to make sure he doesn’t get the blame:

“Extrememly unpopular” health care bill…..really, maybe in the circle of bloggers that you have surrounded yourself with, but in the general public, let’s look at some numbers. From The Hill, August 3rd

a new survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows opposition dropping to 35 percent from 41 percent in the last month, and 50 percent of the public had a favorable view of the law, up from 48 percent. Support and opposition tend to be partisan, but the trendline is certainly heading in the Democrats’ direction.

Now wait a minute, I thought Janey said it is “extremely unpopular” and of course Axelrod is running from the wreckage of….a bill that has a 50 favorable and a 35 unfavorable. This is a perfect example of Ole’ Janey preaching to the choir that gather at her blog. She likes to continue feeding the hungry haters at her site with the raw meat they like, whether it is true or not. When I do lose my mind and click over to her blog, I usually get hit right up side the head with a blatant falsehood, outright lie and certainly a lot of negative spin on anything the Obama administration has on its plate. She has become a joke, resorting to the same tactics as the Tea Party folks who she has reached her hand out to on a few occasions. Remember how Ole’ Janey found time to go on Fox News, join hands with Grover Norquist and go skipping off into the horizon. She continues to marginalize herself and there is no coming back from it, she will fade away into the background, screaming out “it should have been Hillary, it should have been Hillary, it should have been Hilla…….”. [Fade to black]

4 thoughts on “Jane Hamsher Continues To Lie About Health Reform – A Pattern!

  1. She continues to marginalize herself and there is no coming back from it, she will fade away into the background, screaming out “it should have been Hillary, it should have been Hillary, it should have been Hilla…….”.

    Is that really part of what motivates her? Does she really believe that, were Hillary in Obama’s place, the Senate would have somehow turned out a more acceptable product? I seriously don’t understand that.

    Jane Hamsher’s behavior seems just plain bizarre to me. It’s kind of embarrassing that she gets so much attention.

  2. Well, you know my opinion. And, I will vouch for the fact that she has no qualms about lying re health care; she lied, and got caught out, in one of her HuffPost pieces.

    She and Arianna can both go F themselves.

    Good piece. :)

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