The Trumping Down Of America!

A word on Trump:

It is very scary that he defends himself ,when asked about his racism, bigotry and misogyny, by saying “I’m popular, I get standing ovations!” In a sense, he’s spitting in our faces. And any who say he is “refreshing” or “speaks the truth” is also spitting in our faces and agreeing with his extreme, crazy views. There is nothing “refreshing” about his hatred, dismissal & demeaning of well over half our population. And if the media were doing its job instead of using him to get ratings, people would know that his companies have filed bankruptcy at least 5 times and he’s way over leveraged on his real estate holdings, so he’s really not a “successful businessman” like the lazy media keeps saying.

I’m not really worried about him ever winning the presidency, but what he is doing to our country is sickening. I feel sorry for people who are Republicans, he is marginalizing your party and insuring many losses on a national level for years to come. There aren’t enough racists, bigots and misogynists (that vote) to beat us. Remember, a black guy named Barack Hussein Obama won more votes than any president in our country’s history. If Trump keeps going on and on and on – offending Hispanics, women (and supporters) & many other groups while calling himself a Republican….we win again and again and again.

But I will say, I would rather Trump go away and have the Republicans put up a serious, adult individual so we can have a lively debate about how to solve some problems that still linger in our country and the new ones that pop up everyday.

I think America is still great. Its never been perfect, never will be. But it seems that the right in this country has decided that tearing down the country, bad mouthing it, sabotaging the economy with shutdowns, debt ceiling shenanigans and obstruction is somehow going to give them an edge over the Democrats. It is Un-American. But they seem to have succeeded in their scorched Earth strategy. They act like idiots, people blame ALL politicians and they get a few more angry, misinformed people to show up to the polls than the Democrats…and the scorching continues.

End rant.