The Obama Justice Department Proves That Elections Matter!

Whether you are conservative or liberal, the actions of many states to keep people from voting should send a chill down your spine.

In a country where voter participation is abysmal, we should all be working to get more people involved in the political process – not less. In a move that should remind everyone on the left how important elections are, the Obama Justice department has rejected South Carolina’s new law requiring a photo ID at the polls.

We don’t have to look back very far to see what a Republican Justice department would do.

This is also, by the way, another one of those “parties matter” moments, of which there have been many lately. Remember, in 2005, career staffers in the Justice Department’s Voting Section found that Georgia’s voter-ID law was discriminatory and should be rejected — only to see Bush/Cheney officials override their own experts’ judgment and approve the proposal.

There has been a lot of progress in voting rights since the Voting Rights Act of 1965, but in recent years, the Republican Party, which is now dominated by the Tea Party wing, is trying to roll back that progress and disenfranchise voters who just happen to be in predominantly minority populations. And we all know it is because minorities understand clearly that the Democratic Party represents all people, regardless of skin color or ethnic background and these people tend to vote in their own self interests – for Democrats.

For Republicans, it’s a game of percentages. If they can lower the turnout of minorities and make it harder for groups who support Democratic candidates to have their votes counted, they can continue their quest to….well, it seems like their only goal is to put more money in the pockets of the rich. They really haven’t tried to hide that fact in the last few years. It’s all about protecting the rich and consequently, hurting the poor. And I don’t think I’m being hyperbolic.

Elections matter, vote Democratic.