Happy Holidays To All!

I want to thank all you who take the time to read my rantings. I’m coming up on my 1 year anniversary for this blog. It’s been a fun venture which I intend to keep up with as much as possible in the new year. I feel blessed for many reasons this holiday season, the photo below is just one of them.

Thank you President Obama and all the hard working people in the Whitehouse and throughout the Democratic party. You have given the entire country many things to be thankful for and will make millions of American’s holidays much brighter than they were just a few years ago.


Jim (Extreme Liberal)

5 thoughts on “Happy Holidays To All!

  1. Thank you EL for all your rantings. It helps my head not hurt as much.
    And I wish you and your a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Looking forward to 2011. Looks to be an interesting 2 years coming up.

  2. Merry Christmas. Although I myself hardly celebrate christmas at this time. I mean I do but just not with presents and stuff being broke as I am.

    Anyway wish you well and happy holidays.

  3. Merry Christmas to everyone..

    I’m inviting everyone over to my blog to watch Scrooge with Albert Finney.. I wished they had the whole movie instead of breaking it up in parts.

  4. You too EL. I know you are working on a big project and I hope it comes in for you.

    Have a safe New Year.

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