Bernie Sander’s Progressive Purity Test

The Democratic Party is very diverse. We welcome all flavors of voters, liberal, “progressive”, moderates…even conservative Democrats. We work together to get things done. It’s always the outsiders, the independents, that like to throw wedges into the party and try to divide us up.

We will not be divided.

We will stand strong against those that try to apply a purity test to our diverse, inclusive party.

Start your own political party if you want to be pure.

We want to move forward.

Talking Voter Suppression, Racism And Lies on The Extremely Liberal Podcast

Another great discussion with one of my smart and liberal friends.

Running Time: 1:04:00

To download the mp3, right click and “Save As” (46 mb).

(Apologies for the sound quality, I pulled a rookie mistake. I’ve heard worse though.  :)

Talking Politics on the Extremely Liberal Podcast

Here is the latest Extremely Liberal podcast with my special guest, a colleague who teaches a class on politics and the media. He brings great insight and experience to our discussion. Check it out, I bet you will like it.

Right click and “Save Link As” to download the mp3.