“The Professional Left” Deserves Robert Gibbs Smackdown! (Updated)

Robert Gibbs made a clarification of his comments that were reported by The Hill where he, heaven forbid, criticized some people he referred to as the “professional left”. Sam Stein said The Fuckington Post received a statement from Robert Gibbs and prints it with all his snarkiness surrounding it. I won’t link to that piece of shit rag, but I will copy and paste from it…

In a statement to the Huffington Post, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledged that his recent broadside against the “professional left” was inartful, and called for renewed unity among the Democratic community.

Referring to statements he made in an interview with The Hill published Tuesday, Gibbs reiterated his belief (which served as the basis of his initial remarks) that the president had achieved a host of legislative accomplishments for which he was not getting proper credit. But he said that Democrats, “me included,” need to “stop fighting each other and arguing about our differences on certain policies, and instead work together to make sure everyone knows what is at stake because we’ve come too far to turn back now.”

Robert, don’t take it back, those assholes like Jane Hamsher, Glenn Greenwald, Cenk Uygur and the rest of the “Firebagger Brigade” don’t ever want to work with President Obama. Just like the asshole Republicans, don’t reach your hand out to those PINO’s “progressive in name only”. They and their rabid followers have an irrational hatred for President Obama, I get their troll comments all the time. Their goal is to help bring down President Obama to “prove” that Hillary or Dennis Kucinich should have been president. I think it just pisses them off more when the president accomplishes something. Nicole473 commented at Bob Cesca’s place that brings this home to me…

These Firebaggers are nuts, IMO.

This fact was brought home to me recently when I posted about a new website. A Firebagger went berserk over it in the comments. A Firebagger whom I know from Twitter, and who seems to be a very reasonable human when not discussing Obama.

There is a hatred that I think started during the election when Hillary and Barack were at the peak of their battle. I had many friends who were very angry and bitter that Obama was beating her, they became irrational. Thankfully most of them came down after the heat of the battle, but some who have the power of the pen like Hamsher, never did. They have clung to this irrational hatred and are still fighting Hillary’s lost battle. Was that Jane Hamsher dodging sniper fire with Hillary on that runway in Bosnia? Back to the Fuckington Post piece…Sam Stein makes a bold statement “The vast majority of the reaction, however, was sharply negative.” He then quotes the one and only Janey Hamsher…

“Spiro Agnew — sorry, Robert Gibbs — says “the professional left is not representative of the progressives who organized, campaigned, raised money and ultimately voted for Obama” emailed Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake.com. ” Well, the Obama in the White House is not the Obama who organized, campaigned, raised money and ran for office, so I guess its’ a wash.”

How clever, Jane. Is that like a twist on words that you thought up all by yourself. Wow, I wish I were that clever. Jane Hamsher does not represent very many people on the left…if you go to her site and read the comments, which can lower your IQ so be careful, but if you read her commenters, not very many are progressive. They use the exact same talking points as Fox News. Firebaglake does not represent the progressives. There may be a few sane people there who are progressive but most of them are with the hate Obama crowd and consumed with an irrational hatred for President Obama. I don’t want to call them racist, but man, that irrational hatred they have smells very much like the same stench that comes from racism.

Update Courtesy of Staci…

Via John Cole over at Ballon Juice:

Here’s a better question for you all. Name one time the “professional left” has had the administration’s back on… anything.
Since the inauguration, it has nothing but attacking from the left, calling them failures, adding to the cacophony of outrage to the right, all while pretending they were moving the overton window. We’ve heard calls for every administration member’s head, from the left, since day one. All the while, the same folks pretend to be the base (they weren’t- the ones I have in mind were in large part Hillary supporters) and babble about the Overton Window.
Christ- Ed Schultz and the usual poutrage crew spent the last five months of HCR trying to kill it dead, with Ed switching at the last moment when it was clear it would pass. If you were Robert Gibbs, you’d tell these people to shut the fuck up, too.


Dead on, thanks Staci……

14 thoughts on ““The Professional Left” Deserves Robert Gibbs Smackdown! (Updated)

  1. Another fantastic post, Jim. I’ve been MIA a few days, and this is what I come back to? Gibbs has hurt their wittle feelings? Awww, poor babies, but it’s amazingly funny that these folks can be as critical of Obama and his entire administration until their heart is content, yet the moment they “feel” like the administration is fighting back, they run to the corner crying like little bitches. (I’m looking at you, Keith Olbermann) You know, I used to really like this guy’s show, but it’s becoming rather tiring to watch a person who claims to not vote constantly tearing down Obama. Oh look, here’s Michael Moore now. I should be ready for a lobotomy when this is done.

  2. Why don’t some of these “left” fuckers run for office – not even the presidency but local office? You know why not, because it’s much easier to sit on the sidelines and complain rather than jumping into the game and actually DOING something to help.

  3. It’s kind of funny how so many people thought Gibb’s was talking about them. I wasn’t offended at all…

    Michael Moore tried to make a big deal about the Canadian Health system that Gibb’s mentioned. Apparently they all missed the point that I read in the article about how the right and conservadems would never let it happen. It was unrealistic. But no, he started comparing Canada to our health system….it’s an example of how they have some weird notion that you can just pass stuff with 59 votes in the Senate.

  4. Via John Cole over at Ballon Juice:

    Here’s a better question for you all. Name one time the “professional left” has had the administration’s back on… anything.
    Since the inauguration, it has nothing but attacking from the left, calling them failures, adding to the cacophony of outrage to the right, all while pretending they were moving the overton window. We’ve heard calls for every administration member’s head, from the left, since day one. All the while, the same folks pretend to be the base (they weren’t- the ones I have in mind were in large part Hillary supporters) and babble about the Overton Window.
    Christ- Ed Schultz and the usual poutrage crew spent the last five months of HCR trying to kill it dead, with Ed switching at the last moment when it was clear it would pass. If you were Robert Gibbs, you’d tell these people to shut the fuck up, too.


  5. I had to turn Olbermann off last night. This whole thing is just a bunch of Media Bull.

  6. Ed has gone off the deep end I don’t watch him anymore or listen to him anymore either. We need some people on the air that actually are not screamers.

  7. I agree with this one. I think the media has their foot in their mouths. I heard Michael Moore bashed Obama supporters so I now am wondering what world/side he’s on.

  8. I have a feeling MSNBC is losing a lot of viewers. If they just attempted to be balanced in some of their programming, they might have more respect from the general public. But they are pioneering what I call “drama-news”…it’s either extreme, they either love something or hate it. And of course it’s all about process not substance, how will this affect him politically….why not how it will affect average people. I wish there was a cable news network that focused on substance and quality, not partisanship and horse races. I’ve been turning on CNN a lot more lately, they aren’t perfect but they do at least attempt to present some balance.

  9. Rachel is the only thing good about them. I still like Keith once in a while, but his “drama-news” is really tiring. Even when I agree with him, I want to get out my tiny violin and play along.

  10. It seems a lot of the progressive talking heads(Ed Schultz looking at you) are twisting Gibbs comments around to fit their outrage. If I was Robert Gibbs I would use a lot more forceful words than professional left, it’s like no matter the circumstances they still bitch about something I hear people talk about well President Obama didn’t fight hard for the public option I wonder did these people attend civic classes it’s one thing if the senate had 60 Al Franken or Alan Graysons and he didn’t push hard for the public option they may have a point.

    But when you have corporatist Democrats that are brought and paid by the interest that fought against the public option mixed with 41 Republicans dead set on making sure you crashed and burned you gotta push what you can get.. Because fighting a battle you’re going to lose might make the people who post over at Democratic Underground moist and get that tingling feeling but you’re damage yourself politically.

    I used to be a big fan of the “Young Turks” but when Cenk Uygur decided to shit on every thing President Obama push for I had to stop watching and posting their show clips on my blog, shit if I wanted people to see everything Obama does suck I find some punk ass right wing blogger podcast. I have no issue with people being critical or holding this president feet to the fire but they act like if they were president and facing the same things President Obama faces they will just simply ram down their policy agenda with little to no resistance is a joke.

    Finally the greater the point most people missed that the Obama white house expect to get attack by Fox News and the right wing media but it’s frustrating with people who claimed to be on your side crapping on your success.

  11. johnny that was a great post man! I have to really agree with you on this too. It saddens me to see so many people that I you thought agreed with your opinions turn on you like this. I haven’t watched the young turks for some time. Hardly spend time going on to political opinions anymore. Mainly because it all bores me now… None of it I agree with and about 99 percent of the time I think they are either making stuff up or just spouting off with their opinion.

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