What The Professional Left Wants You To Forget!

What bothers me the most about many of the President’s critics on the left is their complete lack of context and history.

When I read something from one of the usual suspects that makes no acknowledgment of either the Republicans lockstep opposition or the accomplishments of President Obama considering that opposition, I know that they have other motivations.

When I hear Michael Moore on damn near any show he can get on, say that President Obama hasn’t done anything, I have to wonder if it’s because he is just ignorant and hasn’t paid attention for the last 2 & 3/4 years or if he is just blatantly lying for his own gain. There has to be a reason why he wants to push false memes and help Republicans get back in control of the White House.

Emilia has an excellent post about what a dumbass Bill Maher is and she goes on to remind us of what many in the Professional Left don’t want you to remember. It’s called reality.

What’s most annoying and indicative of his lack of perspective and basic common sense, is the same old same old arguments and talking points and the inevitable comparison with FDR.

Obama could have done this. Obama could have done that. He’s caved on everything financial. He gives in to the Republicans. In the words of another well-known liberal scribe, !Yada yada yada yada.”

I want to SCREAM.

Let’s address FDR and the fabled Hundred Days. FDR was working in a time when the Republican party consisted of most of your scions of financial and industrial behemoths in the US. Really, Roosevelt should have been part of that set-up, but he was the exception to the rule. Apart from those guys dotted about the place, the rest of the country was B-L-U-E.

In the Senate alone, which then had 96 members, the Democrats had a majority of 71. And it’s true what Gov Granholme kept shouting. From the very beginning, the President simply didn’t have the votes. In fact, there was only a period of about four months – from the time Al Franken was belatedly sworn in as Senator until Ted Kennedy’s death in August 2009 – that the Democrats had the fabled 60-vote majority, and two of those votes were Independents who caucused with the Democrats, and one of those Democrats was Joe Lieberman.

Do you understand that? Does Bill?

In the beginning, with the stimulus, there were 57 Democrats (Franken awaiting confirmation) and two Independents, lacking one vote from the magic sixty. But both Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd were ill. That made 55 Democrats and 2 Independents. To pass the stimulus, 3 Republican votes were needed, which was why the stimulus amount was reduced – in order to entice Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter to cross the aisle.

Even afterward, with all the healthcare debate, as well as the Republicans, the President was fighting the Blue Dog likes of Evan Bayh, Ben Nelson, Kent Conrad, Mary Landrieu and Blanche Lincoln.

Do you understand that? Does Bill?

As for the fact that the President “caved” on extending the Bush tax cuts, Bill needs to cop this truth: At the end of July 2010, before the August recess, the President summoned Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to the White House to tell them he wanted Congress to vote on repealing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy in September before Congress adjourned for the Midterm hustings. He felt that this would be a good campaign point. Reid and Pelosi refused.

That’s right. They refused. Reid was in a tight race, you recall, with Sharron Angle, and didn’t want to anger wealthy fence-sitters in Nevada. If that weren’t enough, Reid enlisted Russ Feingold – yes, Heavenly Father Progressively Pure Saint Russ Feingold – to plead his case. Feingold, reportedly, lobbied the President to leave off voting on the repeal of the tax cuts until after the Midterms, during the Lame Duck session.

That worked so well, didn’t it? If you recall, the Republicans, high on scoring a major victory in the House and reducing their minority in the Senate, wrote a letter telling the President that they would refuse to consider any legislation during Lame Duck until the tax cuts were done and dusted – meaning extended.

The ensuing negotiations, with the Republicans simply refusing to budge, were anything but a cave on the President’s part. Even ueber Rightwing sage and intellectual, Charles Krauthammer, despairingly admitted that. In fact, he called Obama’s “caving”, the Swindle of the Year, and berated the Republican party for allowing it.

I give credit to few Republicans, but Krauthammer’s a real intellectual, and he’s certainly smarter than Bill Maher for recognising that.

Not to mention a slew of legislation in that compromise, which helped the poor, about whom Bill Maher says he cares so much, Congress also managed to repeal DADT and pass the First Responders Health bill and the START treaty. Besides, the tax cuts were only extended for two years – until 2012 – making them fodder for the campaign cannon next year, if not sooner.

As far as the debt ceiling crisis is concerned, maybe Bill should realise that voting on raising the debt ceiling was part of the Lame Duck proposals too – getting that out of the way in the last days of a Democratic Congress – but Harry Reid pooh-pooed that idea, wanting to bring the vote to a head when it was due to be heard, originally in March 2011. That way, he reckoned, the Republican House could own part of the responsibility.

And how well did that work out?

I remember all of that, but isn’t it amazing how many have forgotten?

5 thoughts on “What The Professional Left Wants You To Forget!

  1. Most of the hardcore left like Michael Moore tend to be sellouts. They always are about finding ways to make money and to push an ideology. I hate to say it though that its often at the expense of the American people, aka Ralph Nader costing Al Gore the election. The problem also lies in their followers because many of them believe in the ideology that they spread and its an easy thing to do to take them at the word and not find out the truth or think for themselves.

    Obama accomplished A LOT despite the amount of obstruction he faced and for Michael Moore not to acknowledge this fills me with utter disgust. Its not just Moore though but many of his fellow PL buddies that piss me off.

  2. Fantastic point and I’m stealing it for my Facebook page. We can’t keep repeating these facts enough because it’s clear the professional left is not going to do anything to help Obama. They’re so infatuated with themselves they’d rather see him defeated than admit they might have gotten it wrong.

  3. I hope that they do not do harm.
    I hope that people think for themselves and do not pay very much attention to people who are, at the end of the day, entertainers.

  4. Watched a “smackdown” on MSNBC between Ed Schultz and Dylan Ratigan today with Schlultz so mad at Ratigan’s running mouth interrupting him several times, talking over him, that Schultz got up and walked off the show. Later Schultz appeared on Ratigan’s hour where both apologized and said they were honored to have each other as a “colleague”. Also today, Ratigan didn’t have his favorite guest, Rep. Ron Paul on his show. Dr. Paul is becoming a fixture during that hour.


    Schultz and Ratigan were part of an MSNBC panel analyzing President Obama’s Thursday morning press conference. Host Thomas Roberts asked Schultz what he thought of the conference. Schultz called it a “home run” for Obama and praised his American Jobs Act. “It’s about jobs, it’s about jobs right now,” he said.

    But Ratigan was negative and downbeat, asking, “Ed, can I ask you a couple of questions?” While Schultz listened, Ratigan said that he didn’t think the jobs bill went nearly far enough to solve the unemployment crisis in America. He lamented that Washington could not seem to come up with a bigger solution.

    “You’re not gonna do this overnight,” Schultz said, adding that Obama had been honest about this and that Ratigan seemed to want to wave a “magic wand.” Ratigan tried to cut in, causing Schultz to angrily push back.

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